The California Column
Uniform and Equipment Guidelines
Soldiers of California Volunteer Infantry were armed, clothed and
equipped very much like Federal infantry troops fighting in the
war “back east.”
Thanks to Carleton’s “General Order No. 3” (G.O.3)
we have a pretty clear picture of what the infantry of the
“Column From California” wore
and carried with them on their march into Arizona. Below are particular uniform and equipment
guidelines which participants should observe, in order to create a more authentic visual
representation of the historic unit we
are representing (Co. E, First California Volunteer Infantry).
The list below discusses enlisted men's clothing and equipment.
California officers, like their
eastern counterparts, furnished their own clothing and equipment, and like their men, were
in conformance with army regulations.
Clothing and equipment should conform to period patterns and materials. When
appropriate uniforms and equipment should be
marked with size, inspector, and manufacturer